need help, losing all will to work
for context, I've been in my current tech role for 3+ years.
while not intentional, shortly after starting my job I lost a family member and ended up pretty well situated on the anti-work train. obviously I was grieving for several years. my performance wasn't great, and my social anxiety I guess made me appear "extra friendly" to people.
so I ended up in a position where I was working hard but my output was not great, and I think people's expectations adjusted accordingly.
the company itself has been through many transitions, from devastating layoffs, changes in leadership and overall company direction. gotten put on lots of projects that were cancelled or defunded months later. most of my coworkers from this time period have quit or been laid off.
so far I have enjoyed a great deal of flexibility and light workload while being paid well, but I'm still struggling with some aspects
this year the company is "cracking down" on specific metrics, most of which don't apply to my team/me. I've ended up predominantly managing a database system that was abandoned by another worker who was laid off, and running other meetings.
more than that, I'm just exhausted. with everything going on politically I feel dread and anxiety every day. I'm chronically ill, chronically tired and never even make it to work before noon. it's becoming impossible to keep up.
I've been told by everyone around me not to do whatever I have to do not to quit. obviously I don't want to lose my health insurance and other benefits, but each day is harder to muster the energy to keep up. I can't even describe the reason I feel this way, it's so many different things.
Has anyone been in a similar situation? How do you bring this up? Did you figure out some kind of medical excuse? Should I tell my boss I've just quit drinking? Am I crazy for not doing better?
I feel if I don't do something soon I'm going to be let go eventually.