Neighbours disagree about me calling the police over a homeless person in our yard

I own a small apartment in the inner south area, in a suburb which was featured on the news lately due to crime, drugs etc. I mean, it's always been an issue, not sure if the reports are true - but the homeless drug users in our yard are.

I'm a young woman who lives alone, and sometimes I worry about safety.

I had a good relationship with one of my neighbours, we were even friends. But he has a very different policy about questionable types in our common areas. Last year, he let a homeless guy sleep in our stairwell, out of mercy. The rough sleeper had some kind of a mental health condition, and had a vocal argument nearby rubbish bins, which eventually escalated into an altercation (thankfully, the bins chose to take the high road, and did not kick him back). It was pretty scary for me. At some point this guy unplugged something in the common laundry, probably to access the water tap, and ended up flooding it.

This year, we had an intravenous drug user (he had the equipment for it) camped on our concrete fence, with a large queen mattress blocking our very narrow footpath, as well as other personal belongings, rubbish, food scraps, lighters, tealight candles (?) and beer bottles. The encampment smelled bad, like a urinal. I called the police (not triple zero, just the local station - since it wasn't an emergency) to remove him from our premise. The police were kind and polite, and had several suggestions for organisations and programs better equipped to help this person.

This neighbour heard about it, and got very upset with me. He said I'm judgemental and have no empathy. He said that it's not a big deal if a man uses our yard as a toilet, because dogs piss outside too. He also said that my perceived sense of lack of safety is imaginary, and that most homeless people are harmless. There was also the claim that the homeless guy would probably leave soon on his own.

While I understand where he's coming from, I don't think it helps homeless if we house them in our common areas and enable their rampant substance abuse. It's a health hazard to have our yard used as a loo. People desperate for their next hit might try to break into my home (I work from an office and thus more vulnerable, but this neighbour works from home). Some neighbours here have young children.

Another thing that needs to be mentioned: this neighbour is a renter. I own.

Some neighbours in our group chat supported his "humane" approach, one of them sided with me though (also a single woman).

What do you think I should do? I want to stay in good relationships with everyone, and I usually do, but I can't compromise on personal safety and security in my own home. I love my suburb and this building. I'm happy with the property I bought. But I worry about this.
