Living here has been ruined me
I’m sorry to vent here, but I have no one. I recently discovered someone broke into my storage unit, and stole a lot of my personal belongings. I’ve been homeless since October 2023, and living out of my car since last May, I’ve had my storage unit for roughly over a year now, and at this point I really feel like giving up. It’s crazy how someone could just “pick two locks” enter my unit, and pretty much shop through my items, and take what they please. I moved to Austin to escape an extremely toxic environment, knowing I was better off alone with no support, than having people who would use me any chance they got. I stupidly moved here thinking my life would get better, and things have turned so terribly worse, now half of my stuff is gone, my shoes, makeup that’s over 5 years old, hygiene items, purses my dead grandma gave me, every single purse I had, bags of crafts I always wanted to finish when I hoped I wouldn’t be living in car anymore would be waiting for me to finish. Things that have no actual value other than them being my personal items. When talking to the worker it sounded like it could’ve been a worker who stole my stuff, since you need a code to get in the building/floor where my unit is, I have photos of most of the items they stole, and a before picture of my unit. I have insurance, but who knows what that will cover. I’m glad from what it looks like they didn’t steal any of my child’s items, but some of the purses had some of their baby teeth I wanted to keep (weird I know). I am exhausted.
update: I’m just realizing they stole a diaper bad that had all of my sonograms from my pregnancy, and other small momentum’s, this really hurts. Why would someone take these kinda things, like the diaper bag was one given to me from the hospital that had literally no value whatsoever what are these people gonna do with my stuff.