Off my chest

I’d love it if like half of y’all who moved here from OOS within the last 5 years and still don’t feel at home just packed it up. I’m done trying to stay open and friendly. I think we all know what problems moving here because it’s the “place to be” and pricing communities out of their neighborhoods has caused for those who were raised here, love it for the right reasons, and honor what is local. I’m done trying to bridge that gap. Last week, some hardo from New York cussed out my elderly father because his dog barked at him. Same guy who tore down an older limestone home and replaced it with yet another white wood clad monstrosity. That was the last straw of much more for me. Lmao.

“But not all!!” just gtfo I really don’t care

Edit: was just feelin bitchy today, happy to see some constructive dialogue and no I don’t hate all of y’all :) well..