Outside of the US autism is anything but trendy, and it fucking sucks!

First of all I live Spain.

I've recently made two new friends who are also autistic and who are the first two austic friends I've ever had.

Yesterday we were hanging out and we spent like the whole afternoon sharing our experiences being autistic, and we share the exact same impression of the situation here in Spain:

First of all, what comes to mind to the overwhelming majority of the population here when thinking about autism is literally still fucking Raymond from 1988's Rain Man and the non-verbal savant kid from 1998's Mercury Rising (the film is basically about Bruce Willis protecting the kid from government assassins who attempt to murder him after his savant abilities lead him to crack a top secret government code), if a film like Sia's Music was made today here in Spain there would be absolutely zero controversy, that's precisely what everyone here would expect from a film about an autistic girl.

Here if you try to tell people that you are autistic but you don't look like Music, the kid from Mercury Rising or Raymond from Rain Man, they will look at you like you are fucking nuts, like they would give you literally the same look as if you were telling them you have Down syndrome.

Of course neither of us three is out as autistic except to a very select group of people, like the idea of being openly autistic is completely unthinkable to us.

When we log into social media, we don't see a swarm of dumb teenagers pretending to be autistic for clout (I'm sorry but I can't help but laugh at the idea anyone here in Spain would ever even think of the idea of pretending to be autistic for clout 😂 like what clout LMAO).

What we see instead is nothing. NOTHING. Very, very, very few of us have the courage to be out as autistic, be it irl or online, so it's something you just never come across. Like literally never. I don't know of a single person here in Spain with any decent following, even just a pretty small medium-sized one, who is out as autistic.

I know you guys are sick of autism being trendy, and yes, calling "self-diagnosis" a diagnosis is dumb, it's literally not a diagnosis, but believe me, when we look at how far the US has come in terms of autism awareness and compare it to what we see here everyday, we're incredibly envious of how good you guys have it there, and wish autism was also trendy here, because the truth is that the fact that it isn't fucking sucks.

Also, yes, as someone who isn't "high masking" and who learned to mask very, very poorly (if you can even call it masking honestly 😂), I also am a bit sick of how the English-language autistic community online puts its focus so disproportionately on the experiences of "high masking" autistics as if the rest of us didn't exist (which is honestly the reason I joined this sub despite how much I take issue with this notion that seems so prevalent in this sub that the number one issue facing the autistic community worldwide right now is autism being too trendy, which honestly is a perspective so incredibly US-centric I can't help but being completely baffled by it), but between on the one hand "high masking" autism becoming the stereotype of what the average autistic looks like and on the other the overwhelming majority of the population still having fucking Raymond from Rain Man as what comes to their minds when thinking of autism, I'd take the former any day!