I have lost everything in one night help me
I just I don't know what to do anymore. My bf who was the first person I've actually ever loved, I wanted a future with him and before that I didn't even think I'd make it 20. We were together for two years and three months, we had promise rings. He broke up with me. Something about he's just going to keep hurting me because we fundamentally clash in some ways. We both still love each other, we both still want to be together, but he thinks its for the best.
I live with his family. I've lived here for a year and a half. I finally felt like I had a home, my parents are abusive cunts and this house showed me what it was like to be wanted. And now it's gone. His mum wants me to stay because she considers me her own but understands I can't look at my love everyday.
I'm disabled, I can't work, I'm on government payments that end at the latest when I'm 25. I'm turning 21 this year. I can't afford anywhere, I can't function in normal life without help because I can't drive or be in public alone because of seizures, and I can't walk myself or use public transport anywhere because I have a wheelchair.
I've lost everything. It came out of no where. I can't even believe it's real, it must be some sort of joke. What am I supposed to do with myself? With my poor cat? How am I supposed to look around and everything is no longer mine. How can I sleep in a room knowing that I have to find somewhere else. That none of this is permanent anymore. I just, I don't know if I can do this, I just want to be dead.