Getting love bombed by someone with bpd
It's been a month since I've been hanging out with a friend of mine, he caught feelings for me on the very first day, there was obvious tension and flirting and I trusted him and went with the flow, the next two weeks was wild, he was super romantic and love bomby, over idealizing me and being obsessive, saying things about how he can't stop thinking about me and it felt unrealistic abd way too quick and I assured him that he would fall out of love just as quickly as he fell in love, then he got offended and cut me off like I never existed, he said he was over whatever this was and even though I knew it was never real to begin with I felt slightly hurt as one does, hanging out with someone everyday for weeks was fun and exciting, mix in the romance and sex and it was great, I could feel myself getting attached (he already was so deeply attached but kept denying it even though it was obvious) but I kept my cool and made sure I was focusing on work, friends and self care too. I decided to block him because he made me feel like he wanted nothing to do with me but he reached out 3 days later and apologized and then called me and told me how it was his bpd acting up and all of this has nothing to do with me and how his mind makes extreme judgements and I didn't feel good or safe knowing he intensely hated me for blocking him and now he intensely adores me again. I feel weird and anxious, this feels very unstable, Help.