just found out we're having a boy and I'm terrified!

I’m 11 weeks pregnant and we just learned from the doctor we're having a boy! I took an at home chromosome test a few weeks ago that said it was a girl, so I was planning 'her' nursery and just generally getting so excited, I feel like I was born to be a girl mom. So I'm not going to lie I feel a little sad about him being a boy. My husband is THRILLED however lol.

It's super interesting because I didn't have a great relationship with my mom, so you would think I would be more scared for a girl, but I was chillin! Just so excited. But ever since we found out I've been feeling sheer terror having a boy.

It's for sure some of my own stuff, but I'm obsessing over how to help him recognize how much power he will have as a male in this country, and how to help him harness it for good. I've seen some of the ways in which men can really impact lives/situations on a macro and micro level as a LCSW who works with men with addictions/mental illness/behavioral issues. Then on a macro level I'm looking at some of the decisions being made in our country and the impact men of power have had on countless lives.

I just want to raise a kind, compassionate, honest, confident, thoughtful person who will contribute to live in beautiful ways. I'm so afraid any decision I make as a parent could have major ripple effects on society as a whole.

Writing this I'm like dude you're so overthinking this, but I'm just hoping to hear that I'm not alone in the fears/anxieties, and how you were/are moving through those. I want to be SO grateful and present for him, I'm just struggling right now.