Someone talk me off the ledge.....Damn pregnancy hormones.

Idk if this is pregnancy hormones or what but I've had serious regrets recently. I'm 13weeks and 28, going to be 29 years old in 2 months and I keep wondering if I'm having my first kid at the right time. It's scary because while I know my life won't be "over" it still technically will be because this freedom I have now with my husband to go and do as we please will be forever gone. We have traveled a lot the last few years but I keep wondering if I should have waited a few more years to have my first child so we could travel more before we are locked down with kids? But at the same time I didn't want to wait too long because I wanted to be a "younger" mom and be like my mom's age (she had me at the same age as I am now) when my children are older so that I can be active and do lots of things with my kids when they are older and more independent. I know there isn't really a good time to have kids. I struggle with indecisiveness and worry and I am always worrying about whether or not I've made the right choice. My husband and I just bought a house and have financially stable jobs. He has been super excited at the possibility of kids recently and so we decided to start trying. I feel responsible enough to take care of an infant but I am just concerned about whether or not I have "done enough" during my freedom years before being tied down with kids. Someone give me some insight or hope from the other side?