10 facts every Bachata lover must know! (Bachata Quiz: test your Bachata knowledge)
Are you a real Bachatery (Bachatero or Bachataera)? Then you should know the answers to these quick 10 questions.
Post your results in the comments. Was it easy? Or did you learn some new things?
Edit: Quiz not accessible any more right now.
Edith 2: Online again on new site
Edit 3: there was a wrong answer marked right on question 6, fixed that now (Conga was marked as right, but it's not that one of course)
0-1: The greatest teacher, failure is.
2-3: Much to learn you have, young bachatery
4-5: You are still at the beginning of your bachata journey, but a start is made
6-7: Not bad, you alredy learned a many things about bachata
8-9: You did well and seem to know lot about bachata!
10: Did you cheat? Or do you really know that much about bachata? If the later, congrats!