I've just created my 1st character and wow

I have no idea what I'm doing! This game was on my radar for a long time, but I've never played DnD, so I never actually bit the bullet. I've asked friends if it was difficult to jump into it, considering that I have no experience whatsoever with the lore or this kind of games. They all were: "don't you worry, it's easy and you'll love it!".

And then I watch the brief intro and I'm submerged with options, stats, races, subraces, with no explanation at all...

I was about to shut it all off, but then I did a brief search on here and went for an Elf barbarian. Must say that I left stats and the cantrip unchanged because I had absolutely no idea what I was doing...

Hope it'll be easier from now on. I just made "friends" with a Gollum-brain. Wish me luck!