One horrifying aspect of the show episode I realized
There's lots of harrowing and horrific moments in the show. Ranging from soldiers being maimed to witnessing atrocities. One horrific aspect I didn't realize until thinking of it recently is the C-47 pilot that dropped Winter's group at Normandy. Shortly before the drop his co-pilot advises him to get more altitude. Seconds later his head is struck from a piece of AA fire. Much to the distraught of the pilot, for which he quickly gives the guys the green light.
Besides what happened to his co-pilot, an aspect not shown is the predicament of the pilot. If he managed to survive the ordeal and return to base he has to sit there the whole way back next to what was his comrade with a big hole in his head. They guy most likely have to live that thought for the rest of his life. This was no doubt a common reality for airman in combat during the war. Those guys to me are unsung heroes and deserve as much attention as the boys fighting on the ground. It was a team effort and it couldn't have happened so successfully without their work.
Do we know the ID of the crew of the C-47 that took them up?
EDIT: Sorry for title. Overlooked it before posting.