1.2.0 update release date…

Can’t find the original post but just wanted to give some general feedback for those on console and pc who aren’t playing the beta.

By now you probably know most of the fixes and changes but I just wanted to talk about how it feels from previous versions.

I don’t think it will be long before the official release of the update. Game is vastly improved in some places and falls in a couple others. Smithing has vastly changed with modifiers actually being present, it’s amazing to not have to spend seasons in a town waiting to get pregnant. As long as they are in your party it happens.

Fiefless kingdoms getting destroyed is amazing as this also allows you to recruit the previous leading clan from the faction. Wanderers fell like they have received changes as I’m finding a lot more Empire wanders (could be RNG but I don’t think so). Some of the perk’s actually make the difference they were supposed to. RIP firebrand (nerfed from 50% to 25%)

There’s a slight delay in AI combatants during tournaments after the match starts. Maybe 2-3 seconds of nothing untill they start moving. Hopefully the official patch fixes this. AI blocks a lot more (making 1v1s slightly easier and fighting many harder than in previous versions at same difficulty IMO)

Overall I definitely think this update is well worth the wait. It makes the game feel far more cohesive to me.