I have this deep dark hatred for the Aserai.

  1. In my few years of bannerlord have I NEVER lost a caravan to ANY OTHER NATION other than the Aserai

  2. In my few years of bannerlord have I NEVER had a war started where the Aserai didn’t randomly declare war on me too for no reason

  3. The way Aserai tribute works is BUSTED, I could have 50 successful raids, MULTIPLE fiefs taken from them, THOUSANDS of casualties inflicted on them but for some reason I HAVE TO PAY TRIBUTE?

  4. Don’t get me started on their annoying ass cavalry, I would rather get bent over by khans guards than face another Aserai party that is 90% cav

  5. They are SO HARD to please. They are in my experience the most disloyal ethnicity, I have had to suppress so many uprisings even tho I give the towns SO MUCH prosperity and always build projects

  6. Did I already say they have the most horrid cavalry to deal with?

  7. I will NEVER NOT execute an Aserai noble