N(to me)BD: 94 Ibanez ATK300
First time I ever saw an ATK back in 1995, my college friend who introduced me to bass playing and gave me his shop class made fretless bass, had one with this amber finish. I was always in awe of his bass and was determined to get my own, which was a black one about a year later. I sold that ATK after having it for over 20 years, and I still regret it. It took that dumb sell to realize that the ATK is my favorite bass.
This 94 made in Korea amber finish one is from the debut year. Most first run ATKs have the letter designating the factory it was made(good ol Cort factory) followed by seven to eight digits. This one just has six digits. For a 31 year old bass, it still looks pretty good. And sounds just as ballsy as the day it left the factory.