Been a Bastion main since 2018, but…

Tldr at the bottom:

I started the game in 2017, was a Genji main, then a Mccree main until 2018 when Bastion appealed to me. I mained him since, and have never stopped maining him.

However, he has been painful to play recently. He hasn’t been mentioned in the patch notes for like half a year now, outside of temporary modes.

And to make it worse he somehow still gets indirectly nerfed. The armor patch in s10 was almost the straw that broke the camel’s back for me, and I was about to retire from him. But I decided to wait for the transformers collab, and I did.

The skin is cool and all, but the patch made the turret even worse against tanks. Dva’s DM, which was had its duration buffed now massively denies turret, if it hadn’t before. And she’s literally almost in every match I play, not mentioning other tank abilities which make the 12 seconds cooldown ability useless.

I just don’t enjoy playing a tank with no tank passives anymore. I liked Bastion in s9 and early s10 because his armor was better against burst damage, and even gave him 50% damage reduction while using turret. He could literally tank some ults.

But now that’s gone I barely have fun playing him. I know he was shit since ow1 (minus the early 2017 and ow2 s6 times), but now feels like the worst time ever for him.

I decided that if s12 doesn’t make him better (I don’t even want him to be meta, I just need him to not be a character for masochists), I will retire from this hero after spending more than 6 years maining him.

Tldr; recent patches made Bastion worse if he wasn’t an f tier hero already. I don’t enjoy this masochist character anymore and will retire if s12 doesn’t cook some buffs for him.

It’s been a fun ride, boys. I will never forget the times I had on him.