
question about fipronil and just a status as to where aI am after discovering patient zero last night (

Land lord sent exterminator by today. Neighbor has the infestation (as best we can tell). Exterminator used fipronil around the apartment, I understand how its supposed to work just curious if it will or not.

So far 3 bugs have been found. Patient zero was last night (the one I caught alive and posted pics of). Found a second one this morning and the exterminator found 1 and flipping over couches (didn't find anything in the bed).

He says he will do a week of treement (come back twice next week) then steam all the furniture. I have hardwood throughout and the only upholstered items in the house are the 1 couch and then there is the bed.

Been slowly sanitizing (washer/dryer has a super heat sanitize option on its cycle) all clothing and blankets/bedding slowly. Vacuumed like crazy (emptying bags outside). Wrapped box springs and mattress in one of those bed bug covers (never plan on taking it off). Wrapped pillows in the same stuff. Put chair legs in plastic cups (so they can't walk up the sides), put some rubbing alcohol in the base of the cups, double sided tape on the legs of bed, moved bed away from walls. Trying to make the bedroom a clean room, only go to bed after shower (will sleep naked). Ordered silica gel off of amazon.

My plan is to just keep cleaning and sanitizing everything for the next week. Let the exterminator do his thing. Once he is done with his 3 treatments and the bugs have had the opportunity to take the poison back to their hiding places then I will start using the silica everywhere. I plan on consistently burning a lavender scented candle by the door (the one the bugs likely came from, as my neighbor is across the hall), not sure if lavender scent is a myth or not.

I guess my main question right now is if fipronil is all effective or if I should just start blowing the silica as soon as I get it. Anything obvious I am missing?

Another less important question is vacuum packing clothes. Going through all my winter or clothes and vacuum sealing them. Are they safe? If a bug finds itself in the packing will it eventually die? I figure with the lack of oxygen and several months without food in warm temperature combo that will kill anything I may have missed (even though I am putting the liklihood of any bugs on these clothes at near zero anyway).

I also bought some air tight plastic bins. Figured it would put all my books in one and put silica in it. Will that kill the bugs quickly or should I give it time? Can I do something similar for decorative pillows? Or should I through out all the pillows that I can't easily machine wash/sanitize. I did through away an upholstered chair and a foot stole (both I had been meaning to get rid of for a long time).

Hope I can beet this, feeling positive, in the short term the deep clean of the house and the decluttering that I am doing have been a silver lining. Hope I don't have to forfeit the couch as I can't wrap it as easily as my bed.

Curious though if wrapping the couch with packing wrap (the stuff the wrap pallets with) would work? My idea would be take all the cushions off, wrap the couch. Pull it away from walls. Sanitize the cushions and then create a barrier on the legs (with the plastic cups). Anyway, we will see, hoping I don't need to go that far.

If in a month of two this isn't under control I will probably just move (use professionals that can heat treat my furniture in the truck). But not until after I petition for a building wide heat treatment (I think my neighbors will be the bigger obstacle, management I could get on board). I really don't want to move, I love this apartment so much. No need to dwell on that now.

But again, right now I just need fipronil advice.