gang gang galaxy was weakened or nerfed in metal masters
Gingka was turned into a complete idiot and even forget to use his own special moves. The best example of this was when he was facing that Russian guy and was getting destroyed for like 20 minutes and the only way he knew to win was by breaking through the cage when he could’ve just used storm bringer on the ground
Yu told us that Libra’s supersonic waves could push away water when he beat hyoma. Yet Libra was somehow beaten by Wales and Sophie’s special move which is a huge wave
The writers introduced masamune and gave him a move where he could practically dodge any attack. But then they realised this move was to useful and basically broken so decided to make him not use it for the rest of the series
Even though the dark power technically made tsubasa stronger it also made him lose control over himself which made him battle recklessly
Gingka was turned into a complete idiot and even forget to use his own special moves. The best example of this was when he was facing that Russian guy and was getting destroyed for like 20 minutes and the only way he knew to win was by breaking through the cage when he could’ve just used storm bringer on the ground
Yu told us that Libra’s supersonic waves could push away water when he beat hyoma. Yet Libra was somehow beaten by Wales and Sophie’s special move which is a huge wave
The writers introduced masamune and gave him a move where he could practically dodge any attack. But then they realised this move was to useful and basically broken so decided to make him not use it for the rest of the series
Even though the dark power technically made tsubasa stronger it also made him lose control over himself which made him battle recklessly