Beware when filling in kalpana chaak petrol pump

Well guys recently I caught something very fishy This incident goes back over month I was filling my petrol in my scooty I noticed that I hadn't filled air in my tyres for a month or around 40 days So I saw the filling station had free air and nitrogen service for two wheelers after I filled my air the guy who was filling my tyre(let's call this guy as X) mentioned that my rear tyre had leak due to which the air is leaking but I checked at that time the tyre seemed to be fine and when I inspected another guy(probably friend of X) joined and tried to brain wash me mentioning that the valve had a leak and I might get hurt if my tyre doesn't function right etc etc (let me tell you guys that I had changed my tyres recently after I saw that they were worn out) So I nodded off and just went away without giving it too much attention

Before two weeks my friend was also filling air in his tyres in the exact same spot and met with EXACTLY THE SAME SITUATION and my friend fell prey into their trap and changed his valve

Yesterday, my father had went to fill air into the bike and gues what that SAME GUY X AGAIN MENTIONED THE SAME REASON but my father his quite perspicacious so he looked through this. After he mentioned this to me today I was totally fed up.

Today, I went to the same filling station and observed all of the stuff that's happening and when I tried to reach out the same pump manager they told they needed proof... Like tf how can I give proof to what was happening

So I stood from far and observed and I was right for every 3rd vehicle the guy X mentions that your tyre is having leak and tries to brainwash people in changing their valve and if they don't the friends of X join and try to manipulate into believing that your tyre has some sort of leak and mostly it's valve problem and try to change your valve for around my observation (I stood around 2 hours near a shop) they changed valve of 4 vehicles and yeah they were successful in their so called mini scam

So please my beloved people be very very careful when you are filling out air in your tyres in this filling station