The Easter bunny is not Pagan

This 'ReligionforBreakfast" podcast does a good job of demystifying this tradition as pagan and instead offers evidence for a Christian history for it. But...

What it offers is a spring time feast instead of a Christ centered celebration. Given the appearance of new life in springtime can be stretched beyond its meaning into resurrection. Remarkably, the timing for that springtime feast fell on the same Sunday as First Fruits and so First Fruits was erased from the church calendar and filled instead with a new celebration.

However, there is a scriptural feast specifically connected with resurrection called First Fruits where a sheaf of wheat is lifted toward heaven. Specifically connected by the apostle Paul who declared Christ our first Fruits. 1Corinthians 15:20-23

While there seems to be no connection between Pagan imagery and the easter bunny, it does draw our attention into the naturalistic celebration of springtime and away from the Jewish feast day.

Historically speaking, the dominant European religion being the Roman Catholic church went out of its way to disconnect themselves from any Jewish tradition and substituted their own traditions into the annual celebrations. So, were safe, I guess. Go ahead and enjoy the springtime with its Easter bunny just don't try and connect it with anything scriptural.