Paraguard IUD broke- lawsuit recommendations

Hi everyone --- A week before my wedding I went in to have my copper IUD removed. It was in for 9 years. When I had it put in, I was never informed that there were risks associated with it being removed. In fact, after the first three months of very painful periods, I was the biggest cheerleader for the non-hormonal coper IUD.

Anyways, when the doctor removed it, it came out broken with an arm of the IUD inside me. I was told I would need an ultrasound to locate the arm, and then surgery to remove it. In the meantime, I could not have sex. I got the ultrasound done right before my wedding.

This was all in the week before my wedding and I already had sooooo much on my plate. I was my own wedding planner and my husband and I were doing all the set-up for the wedding. I do not have mental capacity for that news. No romantic wedding night, no romantic honeymoon. Lots of added stress and mental breakdowns in an already insanely busy week. I read about the risks of infertility, infection, and pregnancy complications with an IUD arm inside. I was straight up depressed and really had struggles in looking forward to my wedding.

After a sexless wedding and short honeymoon, I heard that they located the IUD near the opening of my uterus. I was hopeful that the surgery would result in it's removal. However......when I woke up from the surgery they told me the hysteroscopy (camera in uterus) did not see the IUD arm. It's possible it either came out on my recent period or it is embedded in the uterine lining. I never saw it come out on my period but I'm hoping that is the case. I cannot have an ultrasound until 2 weeks after my surgery....nor can I have sex or go swimming (and it's almost 4th of July....had to cancel a lake trip!).

If the ultrasound shows it is still there, it is probably embedded and not worth taking out. It would require some cutting. I was told that removing via cutting-open surgery also could be a risk to fertility or cause pregnancy complications. But if the arm stays on there, it is also risky. Really hoping this little arm came out of me in the period.

So on top of all this, so far my costs after insurance are +$1400. It could go up with anything else I pursue to fix this. I know there are a crap-ton of firms out there who are sharks and trying to get my business for their Paraguard lawsuits. How the heck do I decide which one to use? I really think I have a case for reimbursement of hospital bills and compensation for the stress on my wedding and honeymoon. If I knew breakage and associated fertility complications were a risk, I would probably not have got the IUD. The reason I chose a non-hormonal IUD was because I was worried that a hormonal IUD would affect fertility.

Has anyone ever done the Paraguard lawsuits and are there any recommendations for choosing a firm?

Also, any stories of retained IUD arms out there where a successful pregnancy occurred?

Thank youuu ❤️