Restarting blog after 5 years
I recently started my blog back up after a 5 year hiatus. The domain expired back in 2019 and since then I didn’t renew until yesterday. With such a long hiatus what effect would this have on my rankings? My posts are gone so I’m basically starting back fresh but my internet presence was already active.
Also, so many changes to Wordpress and elementor since the last time I used it. Learning curve for me again. And this time went with domain from PorkBun and hosting through Setrahost. Doing this method was new and also a learning curve but it’s been good since I started. My goal is to eventually get to Mediavine journey in the next 1-3 years.
My niche is in health & wellness. Any tips would be helpful on methods to navigate and promote growth in the current blogging environment. Currently trying to re-learn Pinterest.