Nelson Van Alden is autistic (coded)

I know this post might get some controversy or hate from Boardwalk fans, but after rewatching the series multiple times over the years, I just realized that Nelson Van Alden/George Mueller is autistic or has autism-coded traits. Yep, I’ve said it and I’ve thought about it for a while, and I wrote “coded” because this isn’t diagnosing, but rather discussing traits associated with autism seen within a character.

If you really focus on Van Alden’s character, behavior and how he handles situations throughout the series, you can see how it is linked to characteristics of autism if you are really knowledgeable of or have done research of the disorder. Nelson was more than just a reserved, brooding, and moralistic man who served the law, he was also pretty socially inept (if you watch the scenes where he interacts with his colleagues and others) and lacked proper social skills despite being a very competent and dutiful worker, unaware of social cues and of sneaky jokes and sarcasm from his colleagues at the iron company, and he took certain sayings and meanings too seriously or too literally. He was never the type of person to be fond of pranks, gags or hidden jokes like most other characters due to his serious nature, rigid thinking and lack of ability to understand hidden meanings and agendas. Also, his way of communication was rather formal, stiff and overly blunt (even unintentionally), and many autistic individuals may come off as overly blunt or direct, even if they don’t mean to. Although he was a dutiful servant of the law and Bureau agent who desired to bring down Nucky Thompson, he was also quite gullible and certain signs/meanings went over his head, which led him being easily tricked into dangerous situations (like with Al Capone or at the floral shop). I think his gullibility, social incompetence and lack of ability to notice hidden signs, despite his diligence, is the reason why he risked becoming an outlaw and changing his identity. Another autistic trait of Van Alden is his emotional dysregulation and inability to handle chaotic environments. Although he appeared stoic and emotionally suppressed, whenever he did express his feelings, it would often be intense anger outbursts (such as that scene where he threw a tantrum and attacked his colleagues at the iron company for bullying him). He would get easily overstimulated and it was difficult for him to handle loud, chaotic environments and situations, and without alone time he would lash out. He also had strong sense of justice: not only for taking down criminals, but also he noticed when people’s actions were morally wrong or unethical even if those actions were socially acceptable. He would “mask” and hide his traits (which is very common for autistic people), yet he had an unclear sense of self, especially being an outlaw constantly changing his identity, and he never seemed to “fit in” no matter how much he masked or mimicked other people’s behavior and ways of socializing.

Again, I am not diagnosing this character, this is just discussing signs and symptoms of autistic traits noticed within the character on this show. This is post not meant to raise controversy or offend anyone, but rather an observation of one’s personality and cognitive behavior. Autism is a spectrum and not every individual on the spectrum shares the same characteristics. If you have any questions or want to add extra details about Van Alden that I didn’t notice in the series, feel free to comment. Also, let me know if you think any other characters on BWE are autistic-coded.