Pay off car early, to offload a side job?
I’m juggling a couple context jobs on top of my day job, six months post unemployment and finishing off my full-year emergency fund shortly. I have a 3% car loan, 308 a month with two years left.
I know it’s a loss versus investing, but as I get closer to the payoff date and that remaining balance drops…I’m debating paying it off early solely so that I can quit one of my side jobs that is more emotionally taxing. Any money towards the loan gives me a sooner moment where I can reasonably offload a gig and have more time and peace.
It’s a loss, no matter what. It would be a net loss of 895 dollars versus what I’d make investing it all. But as that loss drops about fifty bucks a month, how reasonable is it to finish off the car to lower my bills and get more time off?