Raw milk
I just found out my dad is drinking raw milk and I am beyond upset and beside myself. I asked him why he's doing that and he said he's read up about it and I asked where and he said the Internet and I just was silent and I don't even know what the hell to say.
UPDATE: okay, wow, I've never had a post takeoff like this on Reddit. I wrote my original post at a stoplight in a rush after getting off the phone with my dad, because I needed to vent and had nobody to talk to about it, and dang y'all showed up.
While I personally don't see any benefits to drinking raw milk, and absolutely see significant risk, I was triggered when my dad mentioned RFK jr and MTG in his research, after stating he's read up on "both sides of the argument." That was enough MAGA for me. I grew up in Southern California and my dad was always more liberal (shocker), and has a masters degree and is well educated, so hearing this come from him was just shocking. My dad has moved to the Deep South, and apparently is a completely different person now.
It should also be stated I'm an only child who has already lost her mother to cancer, so hearing him put himself unnecessarily at risk sucks. He's remarried and his wife has IBS and apparently thinks drinking raw milk will help it? Umm seems counterproductive to me, but go off girl.
Anyway, thanks for a wild day of nonstop notifications. I love Reddit.