Mark Lizzie
So, I think it’s pretty obvious that in Claiming 10, we will find out that Lizzie was a victim of Mark. But how do you guys think it will be revealed?
I think that, based on the recent playlists, Hugh connected the dots at the Winter Ball. The snippet basically said that they were both crying in each other's arms, and the song was about a girl singing about her assault and how the boy still haunts her..
I also feel like Joey will figure it out by connecting the dots. In R6, he said he was quite observant, and since K13, it has been hinted that he and Liz are similar. I think CW always planned a bond between them, so he will definitely see beyond everything. With all the snippets and playlists we've gotten over the past few months, Joey will definitely play an important role in the books.
But how will the others find out? And how will Mark face consequences? He’s not even in Ireland, so why would he come back if there’s an investigation? I know there are theories that Hugh will kill Mark, but honestly, I feel like that would be too much plot for this book. They’re all already traumatized enough—especially Liz and Gibs—they shouldn’t have to plot Mark’s murder on top of everything else