Jungle brand playstyle
Hey, I am foke, 1 million mst nunu otp. My main role is jungle, after years of playing nunu I would love to change my main and brand appeals to me. A complete style change from being a tank to a mage with big cooldowns sounds crazy but I found playing him incredibly fun.
I would like to ask you guys if jg Brand is (and maybe will be) good/viable. Kiting and passives procs in jungle are very painful for someone who has only played nunu, one of the easiest characters in lol. What is general playstyle of Brand in jungle? Hyperfarming like zyra and karthus or ganks on lvl 3/6 spikes? I understand him as a hyperfarmer with amazing potential for teamfigs on objectives. Is this the best way to play? Thanks in advance for your answers, peace <3