My thing with Sutton
Full disclosure I DO NOT like Sutton and I love Erika
But I try to not be a weird fan/in a cult where I can’t say when someone I like handles stuff wrong or is being messy…
I legit thought what Erika said on the boat, while tough to hear for sure, was measured, backed up by actual facts/storylines season over season, and was just airing a clear pattern that she goes hard for people dealing with really really hard times and doesn’t show empathy or have perspective that this trauma might be contributing to the volatility that she very much doesn’t help to try alleviate.
Then she takes it as an attack! It’s the fragility all the time.
People can tell you you’re not acting great. It doesn’t mean you’re not friends.
It was really telling with Garcelle and Sutton - who’d I probably like if she wasn’t chained to Sutton - demand to be backed up regardless if you agree with their stance.
I ride hard for my friends but I’ll also tell them no stop you’re wrong right now. That seems to be a personal affront. It’s on the reasons I love Boz and Erika with Dorit! They tell each other the truth and it ruffles feathers, but they seem to keep it moving.
Idk. I just don’t get the Sutton love.