Remember Martin from Early Seasons RHOBH?

In the early seasons of RHOBH, Lisa and Ken had a friend, Martin, who would show up once in a while. He seemed to be very rich, and in the crowd with the Vanderpumps and Mohammad. It looked like Lisa tried to set him up with everyone she knew, including Kim and Brandi. In the season 1 finale limo-ride, he was caught in the middle. If I recall, Martin was Kim's date, and they were getting along pretty well. Then, when Kim and Kyle started fighting, he was stuck between the two sisters. Adrienne was trying to mediate, and he looked very awkward. He didn't know what to do, and consoled Kim after Kyle left the limo. I wish they would have him on the show again. He seemed like a charming fellow, and got along with Kim and Brandi, even though they were both out of his league (I mean in terms of money/class). Whatever happened to him? I'd like to know what he's been up to since they last brought him on to RHOBH.