How the gem mine works
Gems start appearing before the match begins, with the first gem spawning during the battle card screen and the second one 4 seconds into the match. By the time you get to the middle, there should be a gem on each side.
Another gem will spawn in a set pattern every 7 seconds throughout the match, unless:
- There are 15 gems laying on the ground, anywhere on the map, wether naturally spawned or dropped from dead players.
- 29 total gems have been spawned
Since one gem drops every 7 seconds and a match lasts 210s, a total of 31 gems should be able to spawn (30 + 1 initial gem), but for some reason, after the 29th, gems simply don’t appear. The pink light does shine, but nothing happens when the gem is supposed to spawn.
This means in close matches the team that grabs the 15th gem has a massive advantage since the enemy can’t pick up another gem to reset their countdown. Likewise, if your team grabs the 15th gem you can just retreat and keep your gem carrier safe.
Additionally, if the timer gets to 0 the team with the most gems wins, regardless of how many that is. So yes, you can win with 1 gem as long as your enemies don’t have any. Probably common knowledge but felt like adding it.