Griff is the most underrated brawler ever
Griff is the must underrated brawler ever. I also may be a bit biased since he was one of the first brawlers I mastered.
Firstly main attack: Griff fires coins that do about 640 dmg per coin in total with a full attack hitting he does over 6k dmg and that is only with one shot. For comparison piper does 3400 dmg per shot and her attack was considerd and is considerd op by some people now. Griff has a pretty easy to aim attack as well. The only downside might be the range. Griff has medium range and due to that he gets mostly countered by sinpers.
Griff fires bank cards ahead of him that deal massive amounts of dmg and are also able to go trogh players. The super returns to him as well kind of like the Mortis hypercharge. The super has a quick charge rate and is decently easy to cycle. It also has good range and width making it very hard to dodge. It is the perfect counter for Mortis who has to come close to brawlers to do dmg to them and that is exactly eaht Griff's super wants: opponents close by.
Griff has a decent amount of health having around 7k hitpoints. While it is not as much as Frank has it stiil is a good amount of health to survive other brawlers.
Griff has a good matchup against most bralwers. Throwers; He can just use his gadget to break walls, tanks just feed him super, asassins get demolished by his super and he does enough damage and has a long enough range to deal with most damage dealers, controllers and supports. His only real counters are snipers but he can doge them well.
Griff has a good kit having one good gadget( piggy bank a.k.a wall break gadget) and both star powers are good but I reccomend buisness resilience oti the healing one. Even though Griff doesnt have a hypercharge he will get it sooned or later and he is good without it too.
Why people might not play him:
I think some people might not play him because Griff might seem boring and for casuals that can affect the choices playing early and finding a brawler that is boring people might not upgrade thus not playung him later.