Let’s discuss NA El Clasico drafts (KCP vs SSG)
I want to analyse and discuss (old) Tribe vs (old) Stamina drafts.
1)Bounty — Canal Grande — KCP 50/50 SSG
I have no questions about drafting in the first game, high class from both teams imo.
2)Heist — Safe Zone — KCP 65/35 SSG
Not banning Melody as a 2nd pick is too risky, even if you have a plan to counter her. She is too strong in the right hands with low ping. Winnable for SSG tho.
3)Knockout — Out In The Open — KCP 0/100 SSG
KCP should’ve taken Darryl (it’s bad against RT, but you really don’t want to play against Darryl+Kit combo without RT or Gene). Gus is good, but Janet is just not it, Pearl would’ve been much better, pretty winnable with her. Bo with vision sp is one of the worst possible picks (just why?).
4)Hot Zone — Dueling Beetles — KCP 60/40 SSG
This game depended on how well Mortis cycled his bats and hypers (he is a carry brawler there). Berry is insanely strong, RT is a throw pick against him (low reload speed).
5)Gem Grab — Last Stop — KCP 80/20 SSG
Marvellous by KCP, SSG got outdrafted by them. Tyrant and Zoulan are the best NA control players and Fade is known as the goated crow. Perfect comp for them. Janet is a great 1st pick for SSG (her hyper can win games), but Max into Lola + Belle is questionable (great mid, but not against them I think). Draco is a sitting duck imo. Wouldn’t it be better to pick Penny/Byron/Gus or even Piper/Angelo as a mid and then go aggro with ambush or anti aggro lane?
They are pros (obviously), they are way better than me. This is just my opinion, I could be right, I could be wrong.