For all the newer players, please mind your deaths counter.
Dying is one of the worst interactions that can happen in-game, whenever you die you basically open the flood gates for all the space you held, put your team at a disadvantage of numbers AND possibly a comp disadvantage (cord dies, tick has no one to protect him from rosa etc.)
I'd much rather people with 2-0 than 8-7 because if you get a kill and then die then most of the time it will hardly matter unless your team can capitalise on the space you made before your enemy reclaims it.
You passively get value by just being alive. By just putting out pressure. Dying completely takes that away.
Yes there are times where it is okay to sacrifice yourself such as protecting the gem carrier from a hypercharging edgar, or taking hits for the heist safe, but generally it's just NOT worth it.
So please, especially the newer players of this subreddit, mind your deaths counter!
Edit: Because you guys seem to miss the point. No, dying a couple times for the sake of the objective is not bad, but dying 5 times in a row with nothing but useless damage/elims achieved is NOT good.
Also please stop bringing pro play into this. that's top 0.01% of the BS community and their micro plays don't apply to your average ranked game.