Clancy needs help
After this gadget rework, lobster is totally useless and easily one of the worst brawlers in the game, right next to Bonnie, Pam, and Doug. Because you can’t use your gadgets quickly anymore, Clancy is stuck at level 1/2 for wayyyyy longer. On top of that, once you get level 3, your gadget becomes totally useless, which was fine previously because you only had 3 gadgets to begin with, as did every other brawler. Now, you hit level 3 and lose your gadget while every other brawler is still using theirs. Now your options are to change gadgets and be stuck at level 1/2 for even longer, but have a semi useful gadget, or be stuck at level 1/2 for a shorter amount of time (still much longer than before the rework) but have a gadget that will eventually become useless. I know Clancy was definitely too strong on release, but now he is borderline unplayable.