Competitive it's still not competitive

I reached masters today after long hours of frustration this season. Frustration not for not being capable of ranking up. Frustration for playing lg3 or lg2 games where my teammates still didnt know how to play the game.

Im not a pro player, Im just a guy who know how to draft and play my rol/lane propperly. And I was expecting of ranked 2.0 a gamemode where I am improve my skill, play with randoms and have a good experience in Game where if I lose at least I learn something new. But no, every single time I loose a game was because someone throwpick, trol, or just didnt know what he was doing.

They fckd up when they rework the ranked matchmaking because I faced Lg1 players at the borderline with mythic when I was in lg2 and the borderline with lg3. What a nosense. I played all my path from bronze to master in soloq

I would like to add some points to what I feel this season (which Im not going to push anymore):

The Pro pass is bad planned. I bought It, currently at lv74. I could complete it in around 2-3 weeks more. What Im supposed to do in ranked the Next months? Play 3 weeks for 1 legendary drop? We loose 4 skins in exchange for one "pro" skin (which I considered bullsh*t)

The new gamemodes are Ok, in fact I enjoyed hockey. If you know what to do of course. I hated It a lot from bronze to legendary 1. At the end It was funnier than bounty for example, where I play safe during 2 minutes just to have my teammate charge to the front team and die.

I would add more bans to ranked. This season is not like the Kenji Moe season where only two brawlers where Broken and then was variety. This season if you let some picks open your are going to probably loose.

For last I would say that the three maxed brawlers is not a good idea. This is competitive, not trophies. This encourage people to come to ranked to enjoy a brawler they dont have and that's not the purpose of ranked. Max brawlers in certain modes some days if you want to, but not in ranked.

That's all.

I reached masters today after long hours of frustration this season. Frustration not for not being capable of ranking up. Frustration for playing lg3 or lg2 games where my teammates still didnt know how to play the game.

Im not a pro player, Im just a guy who know how to draft and play my rol/lane propperly. And I was expecting of ranked 2.0 a gamemode where I am improve my skill, play with randoms and have a good experience in Game where if I lose at least I learn something new. But no, every single time I loose a game was because someone throwpick, trol, or just didnt know what he was doing.

They fckd up when they rework the ranked matchmaking because I faced Lg1 players at the borderline with mythic when I was in lg2 and the borderline with lg3. What a nosense. I played all my path from bronze to master in soloq

I would like to add some points to what I feel this season (which Im not going to push anymore):

The Pro pass is bad planned. I bought It, currently at lv74. I could complete it in around 2-3 weeks more. What Im supposed to do in ranked the Next months? Play 3 weeks for 1 legendary drop? We loose 4 skins in exchange for one "pro" skin (which I considered bullsh*t)

The new gamemodes are Ok, in fact I enjoyed hockey. If you know what to do of course. I hated It a lot from bronze to legendary 1. At the end It was funnier than bounty for example, where I play safe during 2 minutes just to have my teammate charge to the front team and die.

I would add more bans to ranked. This season is not like the Kenji Moe season where only two brawlers where Broken and then was variety. This season if you let some picks open your are going to probably loose.

For last I would say that the three maxed brawlers is not a good idea. This is competitive, not trophies. This encourage people to come to ranked to enjoy a brawler they dont have and that's not the purpose of ranked. Max brawlers in certain modes some days if you want to, but not in ranked.

That's all.