Gadget Gear Rework Problem
It is pretty obvious, that the new Gadget Gear is way worse than the old one (33.3% > 15%). Personally, I would never have bought +1 Gadget Gear on many brawlers, if I knew how it would work after the new update. It is going to be way worse or insanely niche in some matchups.
Supercell should buff it to at least 25% to make it more usable (30sec —> 25.5 sec or 10sec —> 8.5sec is borderline useless, it’s not worth it to use in free slot instead of other gears).
Or just remove them and compensate everyone with coins to make it fair (x1 gear = 1000 coins), so players can decide whether to buy them or not.
With the new gadget rework, meta is going to shift heavily, and it’s going to be sad to have almost useless gears, that were quite usable before the rework (many players invested a lot of coins in them).