Why matchmaking should prioritize total trophies over brawler trophies

I've been playing brawlstars for at least 4-5 months now. I'm hovering between 4.5k & 4.6k trophies and I believe that the biggest issue ( for me at least) is being matched with people who have lower total trophies in the game than I do. The reason I find this to be such a huge issue is that, the trophy deficit between players is very evident when playing. For example, someone who is around 3k might not be able to recognize an advantage and disadvantage state when it comes to fights, whether or not it'd be smart to fight an enemy team that may have 2-3 supers up while we only have one. Some players also don't realize that in gem grab, if you tie up the gems, you'll stop the timer. So instead of trying to play conservatively, they just run in with 8 gems, but they could just grab 2 more before the timer runs out. Now, i'm not saying I'm way better at the game, because i'm not, but having this kind of match making is actually unhealthy for the game. Let's use a different game for example: League of Legends. Let's say that someone was really good at Jax, and they had a lot of mastery points on said character, but their overall rank for the game is gold 2. Imagine dropping them into a diamond game. Would they know how to play their character? Sure. However, they wouldn't really know the other inner-workings of the game, such as freezing lane, roaming, etc. This would result in a couple of things. One, the Jax player isn't really going to perform well, which will result in poor performance for the team as a whole. Two, as mentioned before, it won't be an enjoyable experience at all for the Jax player's teammates. This is why League of Legends basses their matchmaking off of total rank rather than mastery of a character, which is what I think brawl star needs. As per usual, this is my opinion, so take it with a grain of salt. Please post your opinions below, I'll be glad to here them.