3 gringas take on carnival. Why we probablyyyy may not go back
I can honestly say that Rio/Carnival is an experience I’ve never even remotely got close to experiencing but there were just so many bad things that happened that idk if I would ever return. On day two at Carnival three men ran down the street we were walking on (mind you it was populated) not some random dark alley and it was a street we had to take to get to the parade we were going to walk through and one of my girlfriends had a necklace ripped from her neck and got scratched up and my friend who was using Apple directions was in a tug of war with a different man for her phone, when the guy noticed she prob was not an easy target he ran to another random girl and did the same to her and she started crying and it was a whole big mess. That was pretty scary. Another scary event was quite literally being chased down by police for no other reason than they wanted our phone numbers…. We didn’t do anything wrong they weren’t pulling us over for a ticket etc they were high speed chasing us for our NUMBERS the POLICE. That made me feel so unsafe cause if police are like this then how safe can this place be?? They were also like making kiss faces at us through the window and it was insane just yeah bad experience….. weird. The men are ruthless as well. I’ve traveled a lotttt in my life and have always traveled mainly with women so we are very accustomed to men who are a lilllll more aggressive than what we see back home but HOLY SHTTTTTT the experience here was a whole different beast. I got my wrists grabbed 3 separate times with someone trying to stop me to talk to me and had to rip my wrists away. While sitting in the beach at least hourly my friends and I had to shoo groups of men away. One of my friends pretended to be a lesbian when one guy wouldn’t accept being rejected and wouldn’t stop following us. Almost had to kiss my other friend to “prove it.” A man on a bike fully stoppped biking and started walking to talk to us. The stories could go on. The men made us feel so unsafe and it was a constant issue of being bothered by them and the utter refusal of rejection. I also didn’t enjoy how bathrooms were hard to come by I needed to pay to use the bathroom which was just a bit inconvenient when I didn’t have cash on me at the moment. Overall to summarize I would say the fear of robbery keeping us on edge a lot made the trip worse along with being harassed by men no less than 3/4x an hour and having no faith in law enforcement had an issue occurred. There was other small annoyances like the smell of urine popping up very often and not loving the food or my highly rated hotel having a broken sink and toilet but those are small things that didn’t necessarily take away from the carnival experience like the other things did.