My Hostel is pure CHAOS
it was not as great as i thought it would be, My college life. I mean it all happened suddenly, I feel like i did not even have time to think.( i still cannot believe that im gonna complete first semester).
I was staying in hostel for the first sem, and it was a really really bad idea, living in a cramped room with three people, waiting for showers in the morning, eating bad food three times a day, having my personal space evaded by complete Fucking Idiots, and im not talking about my roomates, thank god i got amazing roomates, im talking about complete strangers and my stupid classmates so called "friends", i mean not all of them are stupid ,some are great but one or two people, these one or two people are just more than enough to drive me crazy. i mean how INSANELY FUCKED UP are u to open my closet and access my things without my permission when im just sitting in front of you and leave the place like nothing happened.(I'm literally screaming internaly right now) Bro i dont know you like that, talking to you for like 5 mins for the first time in my life does not make you my friend, im still trying to get rid of that one motherfucker. i have to deal with him everysingle day. trust me im trying to see the good side of this human and good effects he is having on me. it has been 4 months and i still cant even find a single one. I've had enough, I'm not gonna spend my university days in this fucking shit hole hostel. when i can go to uni from the comfort of my home. the only downside is that I have to travel 50 mins to get there and 50 mins to come home every single day.