budget receiver advice - new onkyo tx8220 vs onkyo tx-sr504 for 6 ohm towers
tldr: is onkyo tx8220 sufficient to power my jamo c 95 ii towers, or should i get a used 7.1 avr with higher power rating (specifically, onkyo tx-sr504)?
howdy - newb here. i just bought a pair of jamo c95 towers and a tx8220 receiver. i play vinyl, cd's, and digital tracks from my phone. i have no use for home theatre stuff, just music. anyway, i did not find good local deals on a used receiver so ordered the budget onkyo after some research, but the guys at crutchfield seemed to feel that the 8220 would be underpowered. it is rated at 100w per channel at 6ohm(the towers are 6ohm and recommend min 60w amp), but the way i'm reading the specs, it says 1 channel driven, so i assume it is really more like 60w with both speakers? so running at the bare minimum. i have tried cranking it to 75% of total volume and it certainly doesn't sound as good as at moderately loud volume (around 55%), but my ears are still kind of hurting from having just cranked it so i don't really plan to do that normally... also, i may add a powered sub at some point, which may give some additional headroom?
since i bought and received the system a couple days ago, i did come across a good deal on a onkyo tx-sr504 which seems to offer significantly more power. i would just be missing bluetooth and have to buy my own remote. it also does not have the phono preamp built-in like the tx8220, but my turntable does, and i should probably get an external one at some point anyway. i did think my vinyl sounded better with the tx8220's phono preamp. after buying the used 504 plus remote and maybe a bluetooth adapter, and paying return shipping to crutchfield, i'll be out around $125. i got the tx8220 as a scratch and dent for $225. besides saving $100, is it worth the hassle of sending back what i already have, that is working ok, for something that's dated but has a bit more power? are there any downsides to be aware of re: swapping for the 504? i've seen some mixed messages on how much power one *really* needs. my biggest worry is damaging the speakers, although clean loud sound is nice too, and sort of the point of all this.
also -- thanks for this sub. along with the cheapaudioman it has helped me out a ton through this process!