Anyone here in Luxembourg willing to start a BuyFromEU movement here?

In Luxembourg I haven't seen a single Tesla with a rebrand, or with a sticker on the back. I haven't seen a single product overturned, which is why we must do something here, in order to overturn American dominanceof goods.

Everyone here has an iPhone, at school there's iPads, our computers are mostly Macs, which is why we must do something about it.

I, for example, have the Nothing Phone 1, which I got before the BuyFromEU movement, and it works better than the iPhone 13 in terms of specs, and costs half the price.

I'm urging anyone living in Luxembourg to encourage the purchase of EU products, where possible, and to think twice before buying the next iPhone.

I also urge people to turn products upside down and to put BuyFromEU stickers on lampposts, or hand out leaflets in your free time, if possible of course.