Help with My Symptoms

I wanted to share my story to see if I can find help in this sub.
First of all, I live in a small city in a South American country, so finding specialists is really difficult. I've read almost every Reddit post I could find in search of information.

My case:
I've been running for over 10 years, but about 5 or 6 years ago, I started noticing that my feet would go numb at some point during my runs, usually around kilometer 5 or 6.
For the past two years, I've been running more frequently, and the problem happens often, especially when running uphill or at fast paces. Both feet go numb, but if I slow down or hit a downhill section, the sensation goes away. Sometimes, it feels like something "unlocks," and everything returns to normal without any other issues. My calves feel tight, but the main problem is the numbness—I completely lose sensation in my feet for a while.

I've tried everything: insoles, different shoes, barefoot running, compression socks (which gave the best results), different lacing techniques, etc.

The thing is, if I don't run too fast or too often and use a foam roller beforehand, the symptom almost disappears.

  1. Do you think this could be related to CECS (chronic exertional compartment syndrome)? If not, what else could it be? I'm willing to try any type of exercise that could help because I really don’t want to stop running, and surgery is not a realistic option for me.
  2. Are there insoles specifically designed for this condition? My current insoles were made based on a gait analysis, so they might not address this issue.

I really appreciate any comments or advice!