In case I wondered if it's actually working...
I've started sleeping through the night again. With very few wake-ups due to mask discomfort and short and partial wake-ups when I do have them.) It's been really good, and I thought maybe I've even started to feel better than before CPAP.
Last 2 nights I woke up with mask disconnected from tubing. Last night I remember disconnecting it to the BR. The night before, I don't even remember, but it was probably the same. Between yesterday and today I slept 18 - 20 hours. Only about 6 of those hours was with the mask. I'm so tired. And yeah, this does feel like how it was pre-CPAP. Lots of sleep, not well rested. Not even close.
No need to console or encourage me. I've just proved to myself that CPAP really is helping. I have so much confidence now that it's going to get better as I get more and more used to it, and my life will be able to get closer to normal. I'm confident I'll be able to be more active. Hopefully get in better shape. Maybe lose some weight. Maybe get out of the diabetes range that I just graduated into with my last Hbg A1C last week.
So I feel crappy right now, but happy. Yup, crappy happy. I said that.