DAE remember their parents pinning them down an tickling them when it clearly upset them TW: some of what I plan on describing may be upsetting to read to some. Idk. I just want closure.

This is something that's been eating away at me for some time now. I have these memories of being pinned down and tickled and screaming until my throat was sore. I was very clearly distraught besides the slight forced laughter that everyone has when tickled. I distinctly remember someone telling the person tickling me to keep quiet, or the people next door might call the cops. These days I have a strong aversion (flinching, tensing up) to touch I don't initiate, ESPECIALLY very gentle touch. Sometimes when I think back on it, I feel almost phantom crawling sensations on my skin. I know they knew I didn't like it, there's no way given my reaction they thought I did. They only stopped when I kicked the last parent who tried off of me when I was older square in the chest, after trying to get them to stop for what seemed like forever. Did anybody else have parents who tried to play like this? I was pretty sensitive about things as a kid. I feel like I maybe I just sent them the wrong messages by laughing sometimes...