What is with the uptick with situationships?
I’m genuinely curious to know what is causing this higher uptick (it seems like women tend to be in more situationships-that’s just an acute behavior).
I’ve never been in one, so I can’t speak for myself.
Is it with when both parties have unhealed CPTSD/PTSD, and they attract each other? I’m genuinely curious.
There’s a good quote which reminds me of it: While the smoke detector is usually pretty good at picking up danger clues, trauma increases the risk of misinterpreting whether a particular situation is dangerous or safe. You can get along with other people only if you can accurately gauge whether their intentions are benign or dangerous.
Even a slight misreading can lead to painful misunderstandings in relationships at home and at work.
-The Body Keeps the Score (page 59) by Kolk.