Traumatizing experience at The Congress Hotel (Chicago, IL)
I (25F) booked a reservation for February 1st and 2nd. I explored Chicago, went to some bars and shops, and by 11pm I arrived back at The Congress hotel. They have a lounge, and I ordered a couple drinks. After that, I asked the security guard about the alleged hauntings and I wanted to see the rooms they happened in. Let's call him security guard 1. So, I'm very intoxicated and he tells me to go up to floor 12 via elevator. I did, and security guard 2 meets me up there when the elevator doors opened.
I remember taking a fire exit staircase UPWARDS and I was taken to what I believe to be the 13th floor. It's inaccessible by elevator, only the stairs. I remember being taken into a dark, empty conference room/office space with random furniture and chairs upside down with a small couch, very out of place and being sexually assaulted by security guard 2. This is all blurry, as I stated I was intoxicated but I KNOW what happened to me. I remember a dark office -like room, chairs stacked along the walls and a random cheap couch. I ran out of the room and down the stairs to floor 12 where I took the elevator back down to the lobby. I was distraught.
I called the police, and they showed up to my room and asked me what was wrong, I told them that I was taken to the 12th floor and was sexually assaulted. Security guard 1, who I believe sent me knowingly to security guard 2, was the one who led the cops around the building as they asked me to try to find the room I was in. Conflict of interest. The cops didn't believe me and I was treated like a fool. The 12th floor is the highest one according to the elevator. There are not cameras, although I BEGGED the police to check them, knowing what I was saying was true.
To this day, I have not been taken seriously, I was just a crazy drunk person to them who led them to the 12th floor and there's nothing there, it's impossible to get to the 13th floor without a key (like the security guard had). So they had a therapist lady call me weeks later to tell me there wasn't enough evidence to press charges.
The cowboy hat manager defended the security guards with his life, kicked me out to the streets even though I had paid for my room, and yet the hotel called me days later to refund me and apologize for "any inconveniences I may have experienced ."
I will ALWAYS wonder if I'm crazy or if it was a cover-up.