Question about breaks with a meal waiver.

For context this is not a California/Oregon store. I am a new promoted operations manager and I was moved to a new store. I have my meal waiver signed so on a typical shift I am scheduled 8 hours but work more usually. It is my understanding as I am scheduled 8 hours I am entitled to a 30 minute unpaid lunch and 2 15 minute paid breaks. I signed my meal waiver so as the policy stands I understand it to mean I am still entitled to my 2 15 mins paid breaks. I am learning from the new supervisors I work with their store manger tells them they only get one 15 min break if they work 8 hours and waive their 30 min lunch. Is this true or can anyone help me on this. I want everyone to have their rightfully entitled breaks (especially if I take it). But I would like to feel more confident about my what cvs policy is when employees waive their 30 min lunch when I bring it up again with the store manager. I strongly believe a rested employee is a good employee and before I butt heads with the store manger I would like to KNOW that I am right before that conversations begins. Thanks.

Edit: for clarification I am asking if I am scheduled 8 hours I get a 30 min meal and 2 15 breaks. If I waive my meal period I still get 2 15s correct?