Girlfriend wants to start with photography and needs a camera

I'm a hobby photographer and consider photography as one my most important and influential hobbies and interests in my life. In addition to many analogue cameras, I use mainly a Canon EOS R6 and a Canon EOS R7.

My girlfriends tells me regularly that she also wants to start with photography (she told me that she was even thinking about becoming a photographer when she was younger). I like the idea of course and I also think that it would be beneficial for her because she has no real hobby in her life in my opinion and it would help her probably concerning a healthy "work-life-balance" which is currently super unbalanced.

However, she likes to do macro photography and in general nature/landscape photography.
It would be of course possible to give her for a weekend one of my cameras with a macro and one standard zoom lens, but I don't like to lend her some equipment for several months or an unlimited time in general (we are not living in the same appartment and city). It's my stuff, I bought it for a lot of money and although I would like to help and support her, I am not super convinced how serious everything is, because I don't see that she invests some time in researching which camera would be best for her.
I created a little guide yesterday and presented her some cameras (Sony alpha 6700, Sony alpha 7 IV, Canon EOS R7, Canon EOS R6 II). Note: she has some money, so she says that she would be open for buying also directly a full-frame camera. In my opinion, she should start with a Canon EOS R7 or a Sony alpha 6700.

I am very sure that size and weight could be a matter, so I prefer actually the 6700, but she does not like the viewfinder there and that the camera looks like a toy and not very professional in comparison to the R7. On the other hand, she says that she wants a quite compact setup which I also understand and support. I think that she should buy first a macro lens that would fit her purpose (mainly flowers and plants and not insects) and a 50 mm f1.8. Then, if she likes her new hobby, I would recommend to buy the Sigma lenses 10-18 mm and 18-50 mm, both f2.8.
Her argument against the R7 is that I already have this camera and that she thinks that it would not make any sense if we would both walk around with the same camera. I may understand partly her argument but on the other hand, I also think that it does not matter because I see my equipment not as something that has now two owners because of our relationship only.

So, I don't see this as a "please, what should I buy" but I would appreciate your opinions and thoughts about my situation. And just to make it clear: it is not a problem for me to lend her my R7 with a macro lens and another standard lens for some days or even two, three weeks, but at the end, I would expect that she will buy her own equipment, even if it is the same stuff. And another note: some of you may think "are you sure that not you are the one who wants that she starts with photography?" No, absolutely not. Of course, I would like to share this hobby with her, but I have actually also some concerns about her motivation, so I don't think that she should start directly with a full-frame camera.