Liberals are trying to distract everyone from their own national security lapses

Trudeau released a video yesterday trying to smear Poilievre for not getting security clearance but dishonestly leaves out the reasons why.

Even worse, they're distracting from their own incompetent handling of national security, including Liberal officials who made unauthorized leaks to the Washington Post (an America media organization that does not have security clearance):

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s national security adviser and the deputy minister of foreign affairs provided sensitive intelligence about India to The Washington Post days before the RCMP publicly alleged that Indian government agents have been linked to homicides, extortions and other violent criminal activities in Canada, two sources say.

The intelligence was not to be reported until RCMP Commissioner Mike Duheme held a news conference on Thanksgiving Day.

How did the Washington Post get this information before the RCMP reported on it?

You can't blame Poilievre here because he doesn't have access to that info.

And these are the leaks we actually know about. How many undiscovered leaks are the Liberals responsible for? We can't know because the Liberals repeatedly suppress attempts to discover the full extent of their negligence and wrongdoing:

I'm sure Liberal partisans will find a magical way to blame everyone else for Liberal officials negligently leaking sensitive intelligence. And anyone who questions their multiple and repeated screw-ups is "unpatriotic" and "UnCanadian" and this is all a time for "unity" around a massively incompetent government.

EDIT: Wow, look at that. 1 hour after I made this post and there are somehow more Liberal supporters in the comments than anyone else. I don't see how you can't conclude at this point that Liberals are astroturfing every sub they can that doesn't fit into their dishonest narrative.