Is a hybrid system possible?
My ideal system would be two layers: A base layer of needs met, and a top layer of wants acquired at their own volition.
So, imagine you wake up in a world where you have your own house and personal possessions, you have access to free healthcare, education, digital media, transportation, and plethora of services available to you. When you want food, you go to the grocery warehouse and fill up your trolley and bring it to be scanned and head home without spending any money. The system updates every time a person scans an item and catalogues with the supply and demand trends. If you begin to hoard, you can't acquire those items from the store.
For all of these free services, it would be required that you work a minimum of 10-20 hours a week depending on the demand (unless you have an exemption).
Now, let's say you wanted something that was not a need, but more of a want. For example, if you wanted a really nice computer. You could work in addition to these 12 hours for money to yourself. So in theory, you could work 10 hours for your needs and then decide to work an additional 30 hours for that nice car you're interested in.
Working for a game company would be an hourly rate and not based on sales. The game itself would be free to all and many would be open source. So if you worked on a game, they would pay you for your labour and a subsidy would pay for it. This would ensure that the quality of the game would keep increasing over time until you as a worker decide to switch to another game to work on. I'm not entirely sure what would be the basis for funding. But the general idea is that any movie, game, or digital media would be completely free to the people (unless it's personal or confidential). No more paying for 5 different subscriptions so that you can binge watch your favourite tv shows or movie series. The movie and game industry would just be people working for their hours and enjoying what they do.
TLDR; socialism for base needs, capitalism for luxuries and specific interests.
Possible or pure fantasy?